Configure Voting for eForms

To configure voting for a manual activity using eForms, do the procedure in this topic to connect approver responses to your form data..

Voting Task Configuration Screen

Good to Know

How to Start

  1. On the Organizer, do one of these:
  2. Do one of these:
    • Add an activity:
      1. In the Process Builder, in the Activity Library, open the Human Tasks (eForms) tab.
      2. On the Human Tasks (eForms) tab, drag the Advanced Task (eForms) activity onto your process.
    • Change an activity:
      1. In your process, double-click your activity.
  3. On the eForms Process Adaptation screen, click Voting Configuration


  1. On the Voting Task Configuration screen, complete these fields.
    Field Name Definition

    Select the repeating data node that will contain the approvers data

    Specifies a group of approvers for a human task.
    Accepted Values:
    An XML variable that represents a group of approvers.

    This is a parent node where the children represent individual approvers within the group.

    Default Value:
    Accepts Process Data Variables:

    Store The Voting Result In

    Specifies the final result that says if a task is approved or rejected.
    Accepted Values:
    An xpath to a process data variable that represents the final result of the voting.

    The final result can be stored in a variable.

    Default Value:
    Accepts Process Data Variables:

    The result is considered when % of the users approve

    Specifies the minimum proportion of approvers required to approve the item, expressed as a percent.
    Accepted Values:
    An integer.
    Default Value:
    Accepts Process Data Variables:
    If you have enter 60, and you have 7 approvers, at least 5 of the approvers would need to vote Yes for the item to be approved because 4/7=57%, and 5/7=71%.