Create a Group in Active Directory

To create a group in Active Directory, do the procedure in this topic.

Create Group Configuration Screen


Good to Know

How to Start

  1. On the Organizer, do one of these:
  2. Do one of these:
    • Add an activity:
      1. In the Process Builder, in the Activity Library, open the Active Directory tab.
      2. On the Active Directory tab, drag the Create Group activity onto your process.
    • Change an activity:
      1. In your process, double-click your activity.
  3. Click Create Group .


  1. On the Create Group Configuration screen, in the Active Directory field, select your Active Directory access token.

    To create a new access token, click Add Token . For more information, refer to Add Active Directory Access Token screen.

  2. In the Group Name field, enter the name of the group to create in the Active Directory.
  3. Complete these fields as necessary.
    Field Name Value

    Group Scope

    Specifies where the group exists in Active Directory.
    Accepted Values:
    • Domain Local - Can have accounts, global groups, and universal groups from any domain and domain local groups within the same domain.
    • Global - Can have global groups and accounts from the same domain.
    • Universal - Can have accounts, global groups, and universal groups from any domain.
    Default Value:
    Accepts Process Data Variables:

    Group Type

    Specifies the group type in Active Directory.
    Accepted Values:
    • Security - Lets you assign access to resources on your network.
    • Distribution - Lets you send e-mails to collections of users with e-mail applications, such as Exchange.
    Default Value:
    Accepts Process Data Variables: