Why Did an Impersonator Error Occur when Adding the AgilePoint Dashboard Web Part?


After installing the AgilePoint SPS Integration, drag and drop the AgilePoint Web Part into SharePoint but received the following error:

Current User: [Domain]\[Username], Error: User '[Domain]\[Username]' is not impersonator, please contact system administrator


This is caused by the fact that the SPSIntegration extension's impersonator is not set in the AgilePoint Server Configuration.


SPSIntegration is an AgilePoint Server extension. An impersonator is required for communication between the SharePoint and AgilePoint. You will require to set the impersonator for SPSIntegration before you use the AgilePoint SharePoint Integration.

To set the impersonator for SPSIntegration:

  1. Launch AgilePoint Server Configuration in the AgilePoint Server machine.
  2. Click on the Extension link.
  3. In the Extension page, click on the Add button.
  4. In the Global Extended Module page, enter 'SPSIntegration' as the Name and [Domain]\[Username] as the Impersonator where [Domain]\[Username] should be a dedicated account that has privileges to both SharePoint and AgilePoint.