Mobile View > Task Options tab

Specifies the user input options for a human task on a mobile device.

Good to Know

  • Different types of tasks have different tabs and different settings.

How to Start

  1. On the Organizer, do one of these:
  2. In your process, add a human task activity, or change a human task activity.
  3. click Advanced > Mobile View .
  4. On the Mobile View screen, select Enable Mobile View for this task field.
  5. Click the Task Options tab.


Field Name Definition

Enable Mobile View for this task

Specifies if the task uses special configuration when it shows on a mobile device.
Accepted Values:
  • Selected - Features are enabled to support mobile devices.
  • Deselected - Features are not enabled to support mobile devices.

    If you have set up a mobile view, and then deselect this option, your options are saved.

Default Value:

Heading to display for submission options

Specifies the text you want to display above the participant's task options.
Accepted Values:
One line of text.
Default Value:
Accepts Process Data Variables:

Select which action type fits best to complete the task

Specifies the type of action that occurs when a user submits the task on a mobile device.
Accepted Values:
  • Approve/Reject - The user can select an option to accept or reject the task.
  • Acknowledge - The user acknowledges the task when it is completed.
  • None - The user submits the form, and the task is completed with no further updates to the process data.
Default Value:

If _ is _, that means _

Specifies the process data variables and their values, depending upon the user input.
Accepted Values:
  • If _ - A process data variable to display on the mobile device.
  • is _ - The that show on the mobile device. For example, the values for Accept and Reject can show as Yes and No instead.
  • that means _ - The value that is set for the process data variable defined after If _. This can be text, such as True, or it can be a different process data variable.
Default Value:
Accepts Process Data Variables:
There is a request a manager must review, and the response type is Accept/Reject. Based on the form data, the manager must choose to Approve or Deny the request. Technically this activity sets the process data variable ${ManagerResponse}, which takes a simple Boolean value of True or False.

The If _ is _, that means _ fields must be completed like this:

  • If ${ManagerResponse} is Approve, that means True.
  • If ${ManagerResponse} is Deny, that means False.

Display comments field for reviewers

Specifies whether to display a text entry field for comments on a mobile device.
Accepted Values:
  • Deselected - A comments field is not displayed on the mobile device.
  • Selected - A comments field is displayed on the mobile device.
Default Value:

Store comments in this process attribute

Specifies a process data variable that stores a comment that is submitted on a mobile device.
Accepted Values:
A process data variable.

You can use Process Data screen to specify a process data variable.

Default Value:
Accepts Process Data Variables: